2016 | |
[1]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, R.H. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. Planar Retro-Reflector for Grazing Incident Beam of High-Energy X-Ray Photons. //Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2016, v.4, No.9, 1731-1755 pp. (The paper is devoted to memory of Professor Dr. Petros H. Bezirganyan (1916-1994). Towards the 100th Anniversary of his birthday on 15th December 2016) (see http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jamp.2016.49181). |
2012 | |
[2]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, R.H. Bezirganyan, D. Brown and H.P. Bezirganyan. Transparency characteristics of thin crystalline epilayer in dependence on conditions of grazing-angle incidence hard x-ray backscattering diffraction. //Abstracts of American Crystallographic Association (ACA) 2012 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, M-60, 28th July – 1st August 2012 (see Abstract 690 KB) (see http://www.amercrystalassn.org/2012-meeting-homepage). |
2011 | |
[3]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Determination of particle-induced structural disorder depth profile in crystals using the grazing-angle incidence hard x-ray backscattering diffraction technique. //J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2011, v.44, No.49, 495102, 9 pp (This paper is dedicated to Professor Dr Petros H Bezirganyan on the occasion of his 95th birthday on 15th December 2011) (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0022-3727/44/49/495102). |
2010 | |
[4]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Fine distribution of hard x-ray wave field intensity inside ultra-high density digital data storage layer with nano-scale thickness during data read-out procedure from the x-ray optical memory (X-ROM) plate. //Abstracts of the SPIE Symposium, 7730-38, Optical Data Storage 2010 Topical Meeting held in UMC/Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado (USA), p. 10, 23rd-26th May 2010 (see http://www.bezirganyan.com/hakob/pdf/ods10_final.pdf). |
2009 | |
[5]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. Registration of structural disorder profile of crystalline material with particle induced damaged domains via grazing-angle incidence hard x-ray nanoscope. //Abstracts of the 58th Annual Denver X-ray Conference (DXC) held 27th-31st July 2009, Colorado Springs, Colorado (USA), p. D-109, 2009 (see Abstract 225 KB) (see http://www.dxcicdd.com/09/09-m-postersessions.htm). |
[6]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Evaluation of data storage layer thickness best fitted for digital data readout procedure from hard x-ray optical memory. //Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Optical Engineering + Applications, held in San Diego, CA (USA), 2nd-6th August 2009, in: Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components IV (OP417), edited by Shunji Goto, Ali M. Khounsary, Christian Morawe, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA, 2009, v.7448, 74480T, 10 pp (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.826034). |
2008 | |
[7]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Amplification of specular x-rays caused by grazing-angle incidence backscattering diffraction in epitaxial bi-layer grown on relaxed crystalline substrate. //J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., 2008, v.10, 025002, 9 pp. (Paper is dedicated to Professor Dr. Petros H. Bezirganyan on the occasion of his 90th birthday) (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1464-4258/10/2/025002). |
[8]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). An application of the grazing-angle incidence hard x-ray optical nanoscope in ultra-high density digital data read-out device. //Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Optical Engineering + Applications, held in San Diego, CA (USA), 10th-14th August 2008, in: Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components III (OP322), edited by Shunji Goto, Ali M. Khounsary, Christian Morawe, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA, 2008, v.7077, 70770P, 7 pp (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.796346). |
[9]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Grazing-angle incidence hard X-ray nanoscope. //Book of Abstracts of XXI Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Osaka (Japan), pp. C182-183, 23rd-31st August 2008.//Acta Cryst. A64, P01.07.39, pp. C182-183, 2008 (see Abstract 432 KB) (see http://www.crsj.jp/iucr2008/) |
2007 | |
[10]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Two-dimensional ultrahigh-density x-ray optical memory. //J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 2007, v.7 (Issue 1), pp.306-315 (see http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/jnn/2007/00000007/00000001/art00025). |
[11]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Two-layer ultrahigh-density x-ray optical memory. //Proc. of the NATO Advances Research Workshop (NATO ARW 2006) on Brilliant Light Facilities and Research in Life and Material Sciences, held at CANDLE in Yerevan (Armenia), 17th-21st July 2006, in Subseries: NATO Security through Science Series B: Physics and Biophysics, edited by Tsakanov V.M. and Wiedemann H., Springer, Netherlands, 2007, pp.495-498 (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-5724-3_50). |
[12]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Digital Data Readout from X-ray Optical Memory Covered with Thin Cap Layer. //Abstracts of 23rd Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting (ODS 2007) held in the Benson Hotel, Portland, Oregon (USA), p.MD7, 20th-23rd May 2007 (see http://www.dmphotonics.com/Conferences/ODS%20Abstracts3.pdf). |
[13]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Wave field Enhancement during Grazing Incidence X-ray Backscattering Diffraction. //Abstracts of the 24th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM24), Marrakech (Morocco), MS37 P01, p.s253, 22nd-27th August 2007.//Acta Cryst. A63, p.s253, 2007 (see Abstract 219 KB) (see http://www.ecm24.org/). |
[14]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, H.P. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Optimal Thickness of Non-diffracting Subsurface Mirrors of X-Ray Optical Memory. //Abstracts of the 24th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM24), Marrakech (Morocco), MS37 P02, p.s253, 22nd-27th August 2007.//Acta Cryst. A63, p.s253, 2007 (see Abstract 219 KB) (see http://www.ecm24.org/). |
[15]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, H.P. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Optimal Thickness of Non-diffracting Subsurface Mirrors of X-Ray Optical Memory. //Abstracts of the 5th IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS 2007) held at Congress Hotel in Yerevan (Armenia), P22, 7th-10th September 2007 (see the Symposium Program 593 KB) (see http://www.ewdtest.com/conf/). |
[16]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. X-ray optical memory (X-ROM). //Transactions of anniversary scientific session: 50 th Anniversary of the Chair of Solid State Physics of Yerevan State University (University Press: Yerevan, Armenia), 2007, pp.15-20. |
2006 | |
[17]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). High-resolution Investigation of Crystal-amorphous Interfaces. Symposium R: “Advances in Transparent Electronics: from Materials to Devices”. //Book of Abstracts of European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (E-MRS IUMRS ICEM 2006), Nice (France), R PIV 41, 29th May-02nd June 2006 (see http://www.emrs-strasbourg.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=23&Itemid=66). |
[18]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Digital Data Read-out by Glancing Angle Incidence X-ray Reflection. //Book of Abstracts of 12th European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS 2006), Paris (France), P11-1, p.257, 19th-23rd June 2006 (see http://www.nucleide.org/exrs2006/). |
[19]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Coplanar Grazing-angle Incidence X-ray Backscattering Diffraction in Conditions of Specular Beam Suppression by a Crystal with the Radiation-damaged Layer. //Book of Abstracts of XVI International Synchrotron Radiation Conference (SR-2006), Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk (Russia), p.60, 10th-15th July 2006 (see http://ssrc.inp.nsk.su/SR2006/). |
[20]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). X-rays Guided by Linearly Graded SiGe Layer Grown on Relaxed SiGe/Si Structure. //Abstracts of the 23rd European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM23), Leuven (Belgium), p.s94, 6th-11th August 2006.//Acta Cryst. A62, p.s94, 2006 (see Abstract 43 KB) (see http://www.ecm23.be/). |
[21]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Specular Beam Suppression in case of Grazing-angle Incidence X-ray Backscattering Diffraction by the Single Crystal Wafer Covered with a Thin Non-Diffracting Layer. //Book of Abstracts of the 8th Biennial Conference on High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging (XTOP 2006), Baden-Baden / Karlsruhe (Germany), p.74, 17th-23rd September 2006 (see http://xtop2006.fzk.de/). |
2005 | |
[22]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Space Shift between Relaxed Si and Strain-compensated SiGeC Epitaxial Layers. //Book of Abstracts of XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Florence (Italy), P.15.11.1, p.C435, 23rd-31st August 2005. //Acta Cryst. A61, p.C435, 2005 (see Abstract 108 KB) (see http://www.iucr2005.it/). |
[23]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), S.E. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Detection of weak X-ray Waves Scattered by the Crystal Subsurface Inclusions. //Book of Abstracts of XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Florence (Italy), P.17.04.2, p.C448, 23rd-31st August 2005.//Acta Cryst. A61, p.C448, 2005 (see Abstract 128 KB) (see http://www.iucr2005.it/). |
[24]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), S.E. Bezirganyan, P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and Y.G. Mossikyan. An ultrahigh-density digital data read-out method based on grazing-angle incidence x-ray backscattering diffraction. //J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., 2005, v.7 (Issue 10), pp.604-612 (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1464-4258/7/10/013). |
[25]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), S.E. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Data Readout by Sensing Changes in X-ray Reflectivity along Smooth Surface of the Ultrahigh-Density Digital Data Storage Media. //Book of Abstracts of 18th International Conference on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis (XVIII ICXOM), Frascati, Rome (Italy), p.168, 25th-30th September 2005 (see http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/icxom/). |
[26]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), S.E. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Fluorescence radiation yield from the cup layer of bicrystal in configuration of grazing-angle incidence X-ray backscattering diffraction. //Book of Abstracts of the European Workshop on Quantitative Analysis in X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF), Ghent (Belgium), p.25, 13th-14th October 2005 (see http://www.kfki.hu/~exsa/PDF-files/exsa_xrf_workshop_programme.pdf). |
2004 | |
[27]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Quantitative Analysis of Average Crystallization Rate by Grazing-Angle Incidence X-ray Backdiffraction Technique. //Abstracts of Materials Research Society (MRS) 2004 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, A9.19, p.31, 12th-16th April 2004 (Abstracts of MRS Symposium A: 5,18MB) (see http://www.mrs.org/s_mrs/sec.asp?CID=2088&DID=92258). |
[28]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), S.E. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Investigation of Si/SiGe/Si Heterojunction with Relaxed Layers by Grazing-Angle Incidence X-ray Backdiffraction Technique. //Book of Abstracts of European X-Ray Spectrometry Conference (EXRS 2004), Alghero, Sardinia (Italy), 22A, p.26, 6th-11th June 2004 (Scientific Program 155KB) (see http://exrs2004.uniss.it/intest.htm). |
[29]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), S.E. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Specular beam suppression and enhancement phenomena in the case of grazing-angle incidence X-rays backdiffraction by the crystal with stacking fault. //Opt. Commun., 2004, v.238 (Issues 1-3), pp.13-28 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2004.04.038). |
[30]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), S.E. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Ultrahigh-Density Semiconductor Data Storage Media Useful for Data Readout by X-ray Microbeam. //Book of Abstracts of III International Optical Congress “Optics – XXI Century” & III International Conference “Basic Problems of Optics”, Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics, Saint-Petersburg (Russia), p.48, 18th-21st October 2004 (see http://ysa.ifmo.ru/data/conferences/BPO-2004/Congress-2004_Program.pdf). |
[31]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Fine Determination of the Lattice Longitudinal Shift Between Layers of the Strain-Compensated Si/SiGeC/Si HBT. //Abstracts of Materials Research Society (MRS) 2004 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (USA), B9.24, p.59, 29th November – 3rd December 2004 (Abstracts of MRS Symposium B: 4,65MB) (see http://www.mrs.org/s_mrs/sec.asp?CID=2089&DID=92259) |
2003 | |
[32]. | P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and K.O. Hovnanyan. Grazing-Angle Incidence X-ray Diffraction by Si1-a(x)Gea(x) Thin Layer if the Composition Coefficient a(x) is Varying Harmonically Along the Flat Layer Surface. //Spectrochim. Acta, Part B, 2003, v.58 (4, Special Issue), pp.745-757 (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0584-8547(02)00291-4) |
[33]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Determination of Space Shift of Si/SiGe/Si Heterojunction’s Cap Layer by Grazing-Angle Incidence X-ray Backdiffraction Technique. //Abstracts of Materials Research Society (MRS) 2003 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, G3.1, pp.151,152, 21st-25th April 2003.//In Integration of Heterogeneous Thin-Film Materials and Devices, edited by Atwater H.A., Current M.I., Levy M., Sands T.D., Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., v.768, San Francisco, CA, 2003, pp.45-50 (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-768-G3.1) |
[34]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), S.E. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Study of Crystal-Amorphous State Transitional Layer by Grazing-Angle Incidence X-ray Backdiffraction Technique. //Proc. on 11th Conference of Armenian Electron Microscopy Society (AEMS), Yerevan (Armenia), pp.40-45, 20th, 21st November 2003. |
2002 | |
[35]. | H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), S.E. Bezirganyan, H.P. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Grazing-Angle Incidence X-ray Diffraction by the Si1-a(x)-b(x)Gea(x)Cb(x)/Si Heterojunction where the Germanium and the Carbon Concentrations are Periodically Varying along the Flat Layer Surface.//Abstracts of Materials Research Society (MRS) 2002 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, B4.31, p.55, 1 st-5 th April 2002.//In Silicon Materials – Processing, Characterization, and Reliability, edited by Veteran J., O’Meara D.L., Misra V., Ho P., Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., v.716, San Francisco, CA, 2002, pp.239-246 (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1557/PROC-716-B4.31). |
[36]. | S.E. Bezirganyan, H.P. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). X-ray Diffraction by Heterojunction when Surface Layer Polarizability has a Parabolic Distribution. //Abstracts of American Crystallographic Association (ACA) 2002 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (USA), P128 (E0022), p.128, 25 th-30 th May 2002 (see http://www.hwi.buffalo.edu/ACA/ACA02/abstracts/PSII.html). |
[37]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Investigation of Si1-a-b Gea Cb / Si Strain-Compensated Heterojunction by the X-rays Backdiffraction Method.//Book of Abstracts of EDXRS 2002 Conference, Berlin (Germany), p.16, 16th-21st June 2002 (see http://users.freenet.am/~hayk_bez/EDXRS_Berlin/EDXRS.htm). |
[38]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). The Vacuum Standing – Wave with Nodes Formed Parallel to X – ray Entrance Surface of the Si1-a-b Gea Cb / Si Strain-Compensated Heterojunction. //Book of Abstracts of the 9th Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis (TXRF) and Related Methods, University of Madeira, Funchal, Madeira (Portugal), P-20, p.67, 8th-13th September 2002 (see http://alf1.cii.fc.ul.pt/~txrf/program1.html). |
[39]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Backdiffraction Configuration for X-ray Standing Wave Formed just above the Surface of the Crystal Containing a Stacking Fault. //Abstracts’ Book of International Conference on X-Rays and Related Techniques in Research and Industry (ICXRI) 2002, Shah Alam, Selangor (Malaysia), p.17, 30th-31st October 2002. //Malaysian Journal of Science, 2002, v.21A (Special Issue), pp.31-40 (see http://www.um.edu.my/conf/icxri/index.htm). |
2001 | |
[40]. | P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). X-Ray Specular Backdiffraction from Thin Crystalline Layer Deposited on the Crystalline Substrate. //Abstracts of Materials Research Society (MRS) 2001 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, R5.4, p.322, 16th-20th April 2001 (Abstracts of MRS 2001 – Symposium R: 223 KB) (see http://www.mrs.org/s_mrs/sec.asp?CID=2082&DID=92252). |
[41]. | P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan, H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr) and K.O. Hovnanyan. Grazing-Angle Incidence X-ray Diffraction Curves of Si1-xGex Thin Layer if the Composition Coefficient (x) is Varying Harmonically Along the Flat Layer Surface. //Book of Abstracts of 16th International Conference on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis (ICXOM XVI), Vienna (Austria), p.57, 2nd-6th July 2001. |
[42]. | P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). X-ray Specular Backdiffraction from Crystalline Substrate with Thin Amorphous Surface Layer. //10th Annual Conference Proceedings on Electron Microscopy-2001, Yerevan (Armenia), pp.35-37, 23rd-26th October 2001. |
2000 | |
[43]. | P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). Standing Wave Formed Close to Rectangular Surface Grating by the Grazing-Angle Incidence X-rays. //Abstracts of 19th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM-19), Nancy, France, s4.m1.p5, 25th-31st August 2000; Acta Cryst. A 56, Supplement (August 2000), s205. //Proc. 5th Biennial Conference on X-ray Topography and High Resolution Diffraction, Ustron-Jaszowiec (Poland), P2.58, p.186, 13th-15th September 2000 (see http://journals.iucr.org/a/issues/2000/s1/00/a29207/a29207.pdf). |
[44]. | P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). The Grazing-Angle Incidence X-ray Diffraction (GIXD) by the Micro and Nano-Structures with Cosine-like Polarizability (Symmetrical Laue geometry if qB << p). //9 th Annual Conference Proceedings on Electron Microscopy-2000, Yerevan (Armenia), pp.31,32, 17th-20th October 2000. |
1981 – 1999 | |
[45]. | P.H. Bezirganyan (Jr), H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan and H.H. Bezirganyan (Jr). The Standing Wave Formed by Grazing-Incidence X-rays in a Multilayer with Planes Normal to Surface. //Abstracts XVIII IUCr Congress and General Assembly, Glasgow (Scotland, UK), p.177, 4th-13th August 1999; //Acta Cryst. A55 Supplement (1999), Abstract P12.OE.001 (12MB). (see http://www.ru.iucr.org/iucr-top/cong/18/poster/P12.html). |
[46]. | S.E. Bezirganyan and H.P. Bezirganyan. Surface Structure Investigation of Semiconductor Devices by Grazing-Incidence X-ray Diffraction (GIXD) and Standing-Wave Combined Techniques. //7th Annual Conference Proceedings on Electron Microscopy-1998, Yerevan (Armenia), p.15, 5th-7th October 1998. |
[47]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. Amplitude Diffraction Grating Investigations by Grazing Incident X-rays Reflectometry. //Proc. 4th European Symposium on X-ray Topography and High Resolution Diffraction, Durham (England), P339, 9th-11th September 1998. |
[48]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. X-ray Triple-Axis Diffractometry Using an Analyzer Crystal Acting in the Conditions of Grazing-Incidence Diffraction (GID). //6th Annual Conference Materials on Electron Microscopy-97, Yerevan (Armenia), p.52, September 1997. |
[49]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. Surface Diffracted Waves of Grazing Incident X-rays with the Periodically Modulated Amplitude. //Collected Abst. IUCr XVII Congress and General Assembly, Seattle, Washington (U.S.A.), p.473, 8th-17th August 1996;//Acta Cryst. A52 Supplement (1996), Abstract PS12.03.11. (see http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/cong/17/iucr/abstracts/abstracts/E0080.html) |
[50]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. The Grazing Incidence Diffraction of X-rays with Wave Front Amplitude Periodically Varying along the Crystal Entrance Surface (Symmetrical Laue Case).//Proc. 2nd Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, (AsCA’95), Bangkok (Thailand), p.1P07, 22nd-24th November, 1995;//Proc. 3rd European Symposium on X-ray Topography and High Resolution Diffraction, Palermo (Italy), p.139, 21st-24th April 1996. |
[51]. | S.E. Bezirganyan and H.P. Bezirganyan. X-ray Specular Standing Wave. //The Book of Abstracts of 2nd European Symposium on X-ray Topography and High Resolution Diffraction (XTOP 1994), Berlin-Gösen, Germany, p.78, 5th-7th September 1994 (see Abstract 284 KB). |
[52]. | H.P. Bezirganyan, S.E. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan. The Extinction Length of the X-rays Diffracted by One-dimensional Modulated Structures. //The Book of Abstracts of 2nd European Symposium on X-ray Topography and High Resolution Diffraction (XTOP 1994), Berlin-Gösen, Germany, p.77, 5th-7th September 1994 (see Abstract 284 KB). |
[53]. | A.M. Grigoryan, H.P. Bezirganyan, E.A. Nazaryan and P.H. Bezirganyan. Generalization of the Crystallographic Situations for the Formation of X-ray Moire Patterns. //University press, Chair of Solid State Physics, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia, 42 pp., 1992 (in Russian). |
[54]. | P.H. Bezirganyan, H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. X-ray Diffraction by a Dielectric with Cosine-like Polarizability (0 < θB ≤ π / 2; symmetrical Bragg case). //Physica Status Solidi (a), v.116, issue 2, pp.469-481, 1989 (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pssa.2211160204). |
[55]. | P.H. Bezirganyan, H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. X-ray Diffraction by a Dielectric with Cosine-like Polarizability (0 < θB ≤ π / 2; symmetrical Bragg case). //Proc. on XII European Crystallographic Meeting, v.3, p.30, Moscow, Russia, 20th-29th August 1989. |
[56]. | H.P. Bezirganyan. The Diffraction of Slow Neutrons in the Medium with Cosine-Like Density of Scattering Length (Symmetrical Laue Case). Abstracts of IV All-Union Conference on Coherent Interaction of Radiation with Matter, p.304, Yurmala, Latvia, 17th-21st October 1988 (in Russian). |
[57]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. The Intensity Distribution in the case of Diffraction of СоКа1 Radiation by the Germanium (620) lattice planes (Symmetrical Laue Case). Abstracts of IV All-Union Conference on Coherent Interaction of Radiation with Matter, p.84, Yurmala, Latvia, 17th-21st October 1988 (in Russian). |
[58]. | H.P. Bezirganyan. Normalization of the Ordinary Real Order Mathieu Functions of the First Kind and Expansions of Circular Functions in These Functions. //Differentsialnie Uravnenia, 1988, 19 pp. The Editorial Office deposited the Manuscript in the All-Union Institution of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI) in 12/23/88, No.8961-V88 (in Russian). |
[59]. | H.P. Bezirganyan. X-ray Reflection from and Transmission through a Plane-Parallel Dielectric Plate with Cosine-Like Polarizability (Symmetrical Laue Case; qB close on p/2). //Physica Status Solidi (a), 1988, v.109, pp.101-110 (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pssa.2211090109). |
[60]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan. Solution of the Two-dimensional Stationary Schrödinger Equation with Cosine-Like Coefficient (in View of X-ray Diffraction). //Physica Status Solidi (a), v.105, issue 2, pp.345-355, 1988 (full text 4,62 MB) (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pssa.2211050205). |
[61]. | V.G. Aslanyan, H.P. Bezirganyan and P.H. Bezirganyan. Interference Pattern of X-ray Waves inside the Crystal and its Image in Vacuum in Double-Field Approximation.//(Part I): Crystal Res. & Technol., v.23, No.5, pp.683-690, 1988. (full text 3,18 MB);//(Part II): Crystal Res. & Technol., v.23, No.6, pp.755-761, 1988 (full text 3,72 MB). |
[62]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. The Energy Distribution in the Two-Mode X-radiation Field inside the Perfect Crystals. //Crystal Res. & Technol., 1985, v.20, No.1, pp.53-60 (full text 2,96 MB) (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/crat.2170200112). |
[63]. | H.P. Bezirganyan and S.E. Bezirganyan. X-radiation Intensity and Energy Flux Distributions inside the Crystal in Two-Mode Field Approximation. //Uchenie zapiski EGU (Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia), Ser. Fizika, No.2, pp.48-55, 1983 (in Russian). |
[64]. | P.H. Bezirganyan and H.P. Bezirganyan. Problems of the X-radiation Coherency. //Uchenie zapiski EGU (Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia), Ser. Fizika, No.1, pp.77-85, 1982 (in Russian). |
[65]. | H.P. Bezirganyan. The Coherency of the Characteristic X-radiation in the Case of the Kinematical Scattering. //Izvest. Akad. Nauk Armyan. S.S.R. (Yerevan, Armenia), Ser. Fizika, v.17, issue 2, pp.67-79, 1982 (in Russian). |
[66]. | P.H. Bezirganyan and H.P. Bezirganyan. The X-rays Interference and Diffraction Depending on the Nature of Polarization. //Izvest. Akad. Nauk Armyan. S.S.R. (Yerevan, Armenia), Ser. Fizika, v.17, issue 1, pp.9-15, 1982 (in Russian). |
[67]. | P.H. Bezirganyan and H.P. Bezirganyan. The Angular Coherency of the X-rays and their Focusing Problems. //Izvest. Akad. Nauk Armyan. S.S.R. (Yerevan, Armenia), Ser. Fizika, v.15, issue 3, pp.186-192, 1980 (in Russian). |
[68]. | P.H. Bezirganyan and H.P. Bezirganyan. The Angular Coherency of the X-ray Characteristic Radiation. //Izvest. Akad. Nauk Armyan. S.S.R. (Yerevan, Armenia), Ser. Fizika, v.15, issue 2, pp.103-107, 1980 (in Russian). |
[69]. | Ph.D. Thesis: H.P. Bezirganyan. The x-rays and the extreme ultraviolet radiation dynamical extreme diffraction by the synthesized multilayer microstructures. //Ph.D. Thesis, University press, Chair of Solid State Physics, Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia, 190 pp., 29th June 1990 (in Russian). |
[70]. | P.H. Bezirganyan and H.P. Bezirganyan. Invention: “The Investigation Method of the X-radiation Angular Coherency”. //Author Certificate № 866461, date: 21.V.1981 (in Russian). |